
An exhibition dedicated to the Tehumardi Memorial was opened in Kuivastu Harbour

On 23 July, a pop-up exhibition “New frames for the monument: the Tehumardi Memorial” was opened in the dock area of Kuivastu harbour. The exhibition, a collaboration between artists, historians and heritage conservationists, invites the public to reflect on the meaning of the Tehumardi monument and the possibilities for reinterpreting it. To this end, five An exhibition dedicated to the Tehumardi Memorial was opened in Kuivastu Harbour

Battle of Tehumardi

The night battle of Tehumardi between units of the Red Army’s Estonian Rifle Corps and a retreating German battalion in the late evening of 8 October 1944 was a casual and strategically insignificant encounter – it was bloody, but without major military results. The battle took place in the final phase of the war here, Battle of Tehumardi

Removal of grave markers of Red Army soldiers in Tehumardi began

At the end of June, the removal of the grave markers of the Red Army soldiers buried in Tehumardi in Saaremaa began. A sword-shaped obelisk remains, but some of the text on it will be covered up. Broadcast on ERR: https://www.err.ee/1609385786/galerii-tehumardil-algas-punaarmee-sodurite-hauatahiste-eemaldamine On Monday, the removal of the grave markers of the Red Army soldiers buried Removal of grave markers of Red Army soldiers in Tehumardi began

Taavi Piibemann. A further development of the Tehumardi Monument

How can this monument be less Soviet, but instead more contemporary, and become so without the reluctant feeling that we are censoring/decimating something? The form of the gravestones is inserted between the existing rows in such a way that there is no (walking) space left. The new, ‘white sheet’ keyed wreaths will be without inscriptions Taavi Piibemann. A further development of the Tehumardi Monument

Tehumardi memorial

A research project by the Estonian Academy of Arts and Tallinn University explores how to deal with complex heritage while creating new qualities in public space and preserving the important role of controversial heritage as a carrier of history. The first case study of the project is the Tehumardi Memorial in Saaremaa. Dedicated to the Tehumardi memorial

Anna Mari Liivrand. Tehumardi Night Battle Memorial. Design Concept “Straws”

Straws The design concept entitled “Straws”, proposes a solution to preserve the integrity of the memorial by covering the grave markers with dolomite slabs. In turn, bronze/brass lines inspired by the windswept landscape surrounding the memorial, in particular the red rhododendrons that grow there, are attached to the slabs. In this way, the grave markers Anna Mari Liivrand. Tehumardi Night Battle Memorial. Design Concept “Straws”

Johannes Säre. Proposal for the revamping of the Tehumardi Night Battle Memorial

If the elements referring to the Soviets are neutralised, the memorial should either remove the textual part in its entirety or retain the dates 1941 and 1945. A sketch of this solution is presented in the accompanying photograph “The memorial”. Consideration could also be given to installing a smaller viewing platform on the seaward side Johannes Säre. Proposal for the revamping of the Tehumardi Night Battle Memorial