4. ja 5. märtsil toimub Eesti Kunstiakadeemias taaskord loomeuurimust käsitlev konverents PhD Vitamin.
PhD Vitamin toetab ja inspireerib uurimusliku lähenemisega kunstnikke, kes tahaksid astuda doktoriõppesse. Tutvustatakse loomeuurimuse käiku ja jagatakse näpunäiteid, kuidas kavandada doktoritöö projekti. Programm koosneb avalikest loengutest ning individuaalsetest konsultatsioonidest. Erinevad kunstnikud ja eksperdid räägivad oma lähenemisest loovuurimusele ja annavad soovijatele ka isiklikult nõu.
Seekordne konverents keskendub avaliku ruumi ja selle kunsti problemaatikale. Kuidas otsustada selle üle, mis on kõigile nähtav? Kuidas põimuvad eetilised väljakutsed, kunstniku vastutus, ajaloolised ja poliitilised probleemid ning autorite õigused? Millised on võimalused kunstnikel kaasa rääkida mineviku-oleviku-tuleviku kujundamisele läbi avaliku ruumi poliitilise esteetika? Ukrainas kestva sõja ajal on Eestis teravalt üles kerkinud küsimused, mida teha avalikku ruumi jäänud “punamonumentidega”. Arutelu on osa ülemaailmsest diskussioonist, mis hõlmab ka liikumist Black Lives Matter. See puudutab meie sotsiaalset keskkonda ja paneb proovile võime “olla hea”.
Osalema on oodatud loomeuurimuslikest meetoditest huvituvad kunstnikud, disainerid, EKA ja teiste loovülikoolide vilistlased ja magistrantuuri lõpetajad.
Sündmus toimub inglise keeles.
Konverentsil osalemiseks, palun registreeru SIIN.
Konsultatsioonidel osalemiseks palume täita VORM. Täpsem konsultatsioonide ajakava saadetakse hiljem e-maili teel.
4. märts, esmaspäev, ruum A501
10:00 -10:30 kogunemine ja tervitussõnad
10:30 -11:15 Victoria Fareld “Responsibility in a Polychronic Present”
11:15 -11:45 Kristina Norman “Looking Back at After-War (2009) During the War”
12:30-13:15 Esther Shalev-Gerz “Monument Against Fascism to The Shadow”
13:15-13:45 Gregor Taul “Monumental Trouble”
14:00-14:45 Vestlusring: Victoria Fareld, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Gregor Taul, Kristina Norman, moderaator Kirke Kangro.
5. märts, teisipäev, ruum A501
10:00-12:00 individuaalsed konsultatsioonid Victoria Fareld’i and Esther Shalev-Gerz’iga (vajalik eelnev registreerimine)
Esther Shalev-Gerz, based in Paris, is internationally recognized for her seminal contributions to the field of art in the public realm and her consistent investigation into the construction of memory, history, the natural world, democracy and cultural identities. Her works challenge the notion and practice of portraiture and consider how its qualities may contribute to contemporary discourse about the politics of representation. Her monuments, installations, photography, video and public sculpture are developed through active dialogue, consultation and negotiation with people whose participation provides an emphasis to their individual and collective memories, accounts, opinions and experiences which then become both represented and considered.
Victoria Fareld is professor of intellectual history at Stockholm university in Sweden. Her research revolves around questions of historical guilt, responsibility and historical temporalities.
Gregor Taul is a lecturer, critic and curator. He has studied semiotics at Tartu University and art history at the Estonian Academy of Arts and is about to defend his PhD thesis on art in public space in the Baltics. He is currently working as a lecturer at the General Theory and Interior Architecture departments at EKA.
Kristina Norman, based in Tallinn, is an artist whose interdisciplinary work includes video installations, sculpture, and projects in the city space, as well as documentaries and performance. She is interested in the issues of collective memory and forgetting, the memorial uses of the public space, but also the subtle sphere of the body politics that transgresses the boundaries between the public and the private. In 2009 she represented Estonia at the 53rd International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia with a solo project, a multilayered mixed media installation After-War. The project was a study of a conflict around the relocation of a Soviet monument in Tallinn. In 2022 Norman represented Estonia at the 59th Venice Biennial within an ecocritical exhibition Orchidelirium. An Appetite For Abundance. Norman’s experimental film trilogy commissioned for the Pavilion, offers multiple ways to reflect on the legacies of colonialism from a specific Eastern European perspective.
Lisainfo: kati.saarits@artun.ee